Saturday 1 February 2014


Wordle is a tool designed to generate and create word inspired images from text that you provide.
Experimenting with Wordle
The images that are created with Wordle are yours to use however you wish to. The Wordle generator creates images with text in varied fonts, sizes, layout and colour schemes; all which you can tweak to suit your personal requirements. The created images can be printed out, or saved to the Wordle gallery in order for them to be shared with friends via blogs and social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter.  
I think Wordle is a great tool to use, as it allows the user to be creative with their presentation, enforcing personal aspects to the work they create. All images are devised from words based on the ideas and requirements of the user which means that the user controls what and how they want to display and how they want to display it; having full control of the image.

 Ideas for creating an image could stem from thoughts and feelings of the user, maybe even as a revision method- including words that act as a stimulus for certain subject classes and even module areas that need attention.

             Wordle Create Tool

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